28/05/21 14:03
As Americans, we have the right to vote. We also have the right to freedom of speech. We can start a business, or go to college. We can move to a different state, go shopping wherever we’d like, or get a driver’s license. The list goes on and on, but what if we didn’t have these freedoms and rights? What would life look like if the United States wasn’t a strong, first-world country?
Read More11/02/21 08:20
January has come and gone, and one of the busiest times of the year for chocolate sales is almost here – Valentines Day! Whether you are spending the day with your significant other, close family, or snuggled up with your favorite pet, things can add up quickly if you’re not careful. The last thing you’ll want is to wake up Monday morning to an alert from your bank saying you have a zero dollar balance in your account. Thankfully, this doesn’t have to happen to you! Keep reading for tips on how you can budget this Valentines while also making it one memorable day!
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