The Easter bunny, ham dinners, baskets filled with chocolate… these are common Easter traditions and symbols to many households in the United States and other parts of the world. Because Easter is always in spring (in the U.S.), it has close ties to spring-themes. Chicks, bunnies, and other baby animals generally come to mind when someone is asked about Easter; this is seen in candies, toys, and decorations that fill the shelves during the season. Popular Easter egg hunts get children excited as they search for plastic eggs filled with candy and sometimes money. All these things are good and fun, but why is Easter even a holiday? When was the first of Easter?
Like other days celebrated throughout the year, Easter comes from Christianity and is essentially what Christianity is all about. Jesus Christ gave himself and died for the sins of the world on Good Friday (the Friday before Easter Sunday) and rose from the dead on Easter. Anyone who believes this is promised eternal life in Heaven once their time is up on Earth. This good news is worth celebrating, hence why Easter is a holiday. Even if the reason for the day has adopted different meanings over the years, it will always be a time to spend with close family and reflect on the good times you’ve shared together.
In honor of Easter, Rolling F decided to give away eggs filled with chocolate to all members who came in on April 2 (Good Friday). We wanted to pass joy to our members and let them know how much we value them coming in. Thank you for being such awesome members!
This is the second year Easter may look a little different, but the joy and good times will still make an entrance, no doubt! Have a great weekend, Rolling F family!
Rolling F Credit Union has been serving the Central Valley community since 1948, providing services in checking and savings accounts, loans, and online banking. Rolling F Credit Union is located at 2101 Geer Road, Suite #401 Turlock, CA 95382. To find out if you qualify to be a member, please call (209) 634-2911 or visit rollingf.org.