As Americans, we have the right to vote. We also have the right to freedom of speech. We can start a business, or go to college. We can move to a different state, go shopping wherever we’d like, or get a driver’s license. The list goes on and on, but what if we didn’t have these freedoms and rights? What would life look like if the United States wasn’t a strong, first-world country?
We take for granted the fact that we live in the United States. The majority of the population isn’t living in fear, on the streets, or hungry. And those that are facing hard times can get the help they need by going to homeless shelters, food pantries, or by getting government assistance. One of the main reasons – if not the main reason – we have the opportunities and privileges in this country is because of the powerful military presence we have in our nation and around the world. So often we forget the sacrifices made by the men and women who have served this country while enlisted in the military. As the month of May is coming to an end, Memorial Day reminds us of the people who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
Memorial Day recognizes the men and women who have died while actively serving in the armed forces. The holiday was first formally recognized as “Decoration Day” after the events of the Civil War. Those who fought in the Civil War and died were honored on Decoration Day, which later became Memorial Day. Originally observed on May 30th, the date was changed to the last Monday in May in 1968.
Over the years, certain traditions have become popular to do on or around Memorial Day. barbeques, pool parties, and family get-togethers make for an unofficial start to summer Memorial Day weekend. Others go to cemeteries, and pay their respects to those who have lost their lives while fighting for this country. However you choose to celebrate the holiday, don’t forget the reason behind it. Never take for granted the freedoms you have as an American. Have a Happy Memorial Day, Rolling F family!

Rolling F Credit Union has been serving the Central Valley community since 1948, providing services in checking and savings accounts, loans, and online banking. Rolling F Credit Union is located at 2101 Geer Road, Suite #401 Turlock, CA 95382. To find out if you qualify to be a member, please call (209) 634-2911 or visit